Maor, Israel
חווה אחרת
חווה אחרת
מושב מאור, ישראל
What Is A
Single-Footing Horse?

כמה מילים
חווה אחרת"מעניקה שיעורי רכיבה מערבית וטיפולית על סוסים. החווה פונה לילדים, מבוגרים ולאוכלוסיות בעלות צרכים מיוחדים ומשלבת למידה של רכיבה על סוסים, היכרות עולם הסוסים (התנהגות ותקשורת) ורכיב הטיפולי המיוחד שהרכיבה נותן לאנשים. "חווה אחרת" שומרת על מקצוענות, ערכים וחוקי הרכיבה בסטנדרט גבוה, על המיומנות של חוות הסוסים בניסיון עשיר בתחום. הצוות של "חווה אחרת" מכיל 2 אנשים (מדריכים וותיקים בעולם הסוסים, בעל ואישה עם ידע עשיר והרבה שנים של ניסיון בעבודה עם ילדים ועשיה פדגוגית, עם השקפה עמוקה, מקצועית, משפחתית ומורכבת בתחום של הרכיבה טיפולית).
The farm offers children, adults and populations with special needs horse-riding lessons and combines the practice with behavioural and communication knowledge and techniques. The instructors teach the rules of riding in high standard, the skills of the horse farming. Two experienced and high educated instructors (husband and wife) aim to transfer to the young generation rich knowledge and many years of experience. The professional team try to introduce the new generation to a new perspective of the horse world!
Singlefoot horses breeding and training
Our horses are SHOBA registred singlefoot mares, mainly Rowdy
What is a Singlefooting horse?
Crimson Pizazz- American Standardbred Speed Racking Horse
Single-Footing is simply a term old timers used to describe the footfall of a horse's hooves and is also known as racking or the largo.
A true Single-Footing horse performs an even timed, four beat gait from a relaxed trail gait to the ground covering single-foot in which the horse is moving with one foot on the ground at a time.
What is unique to the Single-Footing horse is their broad range of speed and their natural ability to remain smooth and consistent from a slow gait all the way up to the racing gait.
Some of these horses are capable of reaching and exceeding exhilarating speeds of 20 mph or more. Hold onto your hat!
In a world where many gaited horses are being bred for the show ring, the Single-Footing horse comes from a strong background of horses bred to work as well as trail ride and pull the family buggy.
While other gaited breeds have been influenced by passing trends and fads, the Single-Footing horse has remained true to its heritage.
These are not your "average" gaited horses. Breeders have worked diligently for many years to produce an exceptional gaited horse, one that will get you where you are going smoothly, safely, swiftly and in style. Swiftly being the prevailing difference.
While most Single-Footing horses are bred primarily for trail riding, many owners enjoy showing their horses. The true Single-Footing horse will be found dominating in flat shod Trail Racking, Country Racking and Speed Racking classes at shows around the country.
The Single-Footing horse comes in all shapes, colors and sizes. What is most important is how those four feet hit the ground!
SHOBA - Singlefooting horse owners and breeders association
example of singlefoot gaits ...
Jacob Parks -
Reserve World Champion Speed Racking Stallion Ridgerunner's Doc Holiday

"There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man"
Winston Churcill

Get in touch today to schedule a session with "Different Ranch"!
יצרו עמנו קשר לקבוע שיעור או פגישה הכירות עם הצוות של חווה אחרת
Address: Maor, Israel
Email: chava.acheret@gmail.com
Phone: 054-7440829
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